Cute Baby Boxer Puppy Images
This is a very popular breed first originated during the late 1800s in Germany. It has been said that the name "boxer" comes from the box in the motion that this breed is often done with their front legs. Boxers have a strong body of medium size and stocky with a set of strong jaws. You'll often find this type of work in various capacities such as police, rescue and military work. They offer a loyal, strong and active attitude. They usually are loving, kind and intelligent dog friends.Cute Baby Boxer Puppy Picture
About boxer dog training, you will find your own boxer to become knowledgeable, intelligent and quick to learn. For this size of dog, dog obedience training is necessary. They'll need someone calm assertive dominant as the owner. As with all dogs, they usually do not respond well to rough treatment. Again with this type, they respond very well to be firm, fair and consistent. Boxers performed well in competitive obedience competitions while also loving to engage in tricks.Cute Baby Boxer Puppies Images
Like most other dogs for ages up to 21 days, boxer puppy is not much only have the ability to do anything but sleep, eat and enjoy a little rest. During this age they will find it easy to go to the bathroom almost all places. Finally, they will find another place far away from their homes to perform elimination. During this time their age, boxer puppies will have the capacity to be introduced to other new experiences such as training crate.Cute Baby Boxer Puppy Pictures
For example, should certainly be possible to train your boxer dog to "sit" on command at this age. Another simple commands like "come" should also be possible. Dogs of all ages like to be challenged in various capacities so that the boxer puppy will definitely enjoy this experience to not only learn, but also bond with human friends.
Is it to train a boxer puppy or other dog species, is always good to stay in a few basic guidelines for teaching. Important for all households to learn and understand these guidelines so that your puppy will learn faster and do not be confused. Despite this understanding, remember that your boxer puppy will learn continuously and not only in formal training sessions with you. Therefore, keep in mind that your puppy will take everything in her experience.Cute Baby Boxer Puppy Gallery
Consistency will be key to your boxer puppy to learn quickly. Being consistent should be taken into account in all situations with actions and / or words. For example, do not say the command "sit" one time and then next time say something like "sit" when looking for the same response from your puppy. Consistency means using the same word for a command each and every time. That also means that every person in the family use the same word for a particular command. Also, do not let your dog hear your commands and respond by ignoring you. You should make sure that he knows these commands has a specific meaning. In order for him to properly respond to commands, you must make sure he responds consistently. If he does not, you just need to make it happen.
Never punish a puppy boxer, so he did something that you want. All dogs including boxers responded to praise and recognition 100 times better. Punishment while also making them sour on the idea of training sessions.
When providing training sessions for your new dog, try to keep a short time when they were young. As they do get older, you will find their attention span better. Once your dog does not seem interested, and training sessions to continue later.
Continuous use patience and confidence when in the training session and came out in connection with your new boxer. This attitude provides a sense of calm assertiveness that describe you as a leader of a pack of your new puppy. Dog pack leader responded that is why you need to reflect that persona.
Another good idea to think about or basic guidelines will be simplicity. In your training sessions to ensure that all things can be seen as a simple of your puppy's point of view. Remember to never use the command line, but only by themselves. When the order is said together with other words, the dog will either be confused with this or just do not understand what you want to say. Therefore, if the command "come" does not add the words to the like "come here".
Time will be very important when it comes to teaching your puppy. Right after the command voice, boxer puppy should respond quickly and not long later. He also needs to respond after hearing it once and did not command many times. If he used to hear the command several times it will tend to react when he heard that command a number of times.
Getting a new boxer puppy you to learn different things would have been a pleasant experience for him and you. Do not ever communicate with your puppy from anger because of how your puppy will not respond well. Remember that they constantly want to please their teachers or leaders of the package. Glad to good teaching sessions with your puppy will be much more effective training experience that he will want to repeat again and again.